Kavulungan Golden Valley 卡夫龍安•黃金山谷
A secret site of legendary lost treasure & gold
消失千年的黃金山部落,緣自雲端(Urepus)的 「卡夫龍安」家族。傳說在巍峨壯麗的大武山東方的雲層上,有座隱隱飄浮在雲中央的黃金山部落,那裡曾是遠古祖「卡夫龍安」家族富庶安居的桃花源。「阿布斯」在排灣族語是雲的意思,「卡夫龍安」是根源最古老的人之意。歷經大肚王國、荷蘭、西班牙、明鄭、清治、日治至中華民國執政時期,幾世紀以來異族尋尋覓覓,仍未有人能揭露它的真相,也從未找到它在歷經地殼變動崩移後的座向。然而,依偱家族最後女巫師拉巴斯的口傳歴史和片片斷斷挖掘的古遺蹟,拼湊出的線索好似佐證它仍日日夜夜在藍天雲海和日出晨曦間閃閃的發亮,囁囁著不要遺忘祖先遷徙流轉的文化脈絡和生活信仰價值。
The Golden Mountain Tribe that Disappeared for 1000 Years. The clan of “Kavulungan” was born in the clouds (Urepus), where birdsongs used to be melodious and flowers and lush forest used to profuse, a faraway abode that towered into the clouds. Legends have it, beyond the clouds to the east of the majestic and resplendent Mount Kavulungan, there was a Golden Mountain Tribe floating faintly beyond the clouds. It used to be the Arcadia where our ancient ancestral “Kavulungan” clan resided in wealth and peace. In the Paiwan language, “Urepus” means cloud, while “Kavulungan” signifies the most ancient human being.
For centuries, throughout the ruling periods of the Kingdom of Middag, the United East India Company, the Spanish Empire, the Kingdom of Tungning, Qing Dynasty, the Empire of Japan and the Republic of China, a multitude of races had been leaving no stone unturned to bring this place to light, but none of them had ever revealed the truth about it, nor had its specific site ever been spotted, particularly after it had undergone a plethora of crustal changes and waves of collapsing displacement. However, according to the oral history of the last female wizard of the clan “Labas” and the clues pieced together from the excavation of the remaining historical sites, it seems to prove that it is still shining day and night amid blue sky, sea of clouds, sunrise, and early dawn, mummering: “Don’t you ever forget the cultural context of ancestral migration and drifting and the maternal value of our living faith.”
遷徙是家族歷史中重要的歷程,在排灣各個部落都流傳其對「人」的起源、百步蛇、太陽、陶壺、琉璃珠等等獨特的口傳神話和故事。祖先長年居住在四季雲海環繞的黃金山山谷中,因而得名阿布斯家族。黃金山山壁周邊滋養珍貴稀有的藥材、植物,而環繞翡翠湖邊的是鬱茂盎然的山和蒼翠森林,孵育了無數種自然生命。因此,家族一直在晶瑩向日的黃金山谷過著豐食錦衣的日子。16世紀歐洲船員之間廣泛流傳臺灣東部富含黃金的傳聞。17世紀 (1624年),荷蘭人佔領臺灣,1636年傳教士 羅伯特·朱諾斯 Robertus Junius到瑯嶠(恆春)探聽黃金,遇見了一位年輕貌美的女巫師少妮遙,送了她幾串美麗的琉璃珠,女巫師少妮遙不經思索把老女巫師們世代堅守「黃金山谷」故事分享給傳教士。
Migration is an important process in clannish history. Each and every tribe of the Paiwan people has its own unique oral myths and stories about the origin of “human beings”, hundred-paced snakes, the sun, pottery pots, glazed beads, etc. Due to the fact that they lived in the Golden Mountain Valley surrounded by a sea of clouds all the year round, their ancestors were named the Urepus family. The surface of the lake is as luminously translucent as a mirror, surrounded by precious and rare medicinal materials and plants nurtured by this water body, and what fringe the emerald lakeside are the lush mountains and green forests, which have bred countless natural lives. Rumors that eastern Taiwan was rich in gold were widely circulated among European sailors in the 16th century. In the 17th century (1624), the Dutch occupied Taiwan, and in 1636 Robertus Junius, a Reformed Church missionary to Taiwan, went to Langqiao (now Hengchun) to investigate the whereabouts of gold. On the way he met a beautiful young female wizard named Sauniyau and gave her several strings of dazzling glaze beads. Without giving much thought to it, Sauniyau the wizard shared with Robertus Junius the “Golden Valley” secret that her ancient counterparts had been guarding firmly for generations.
- 黃金山部落的遷徙歷史
Cemedas blessing holy land
January 1637, Dutch officials reached a resolution to send people on a junk ship to the “Kavulungan” clan in Langqiao (Hengchun) to inquire about the “Golden Valley”. On this occasion they learned that the priests and female wizards of various tribes in Eastern Taiwan would be holding the water and fire ceremony of the “Covenant of Man and God” once every three years in the “Cemedas Blessing Holy Land” of the “Kavulungan Ancient Tribe”. Therefore, the Dutch missionary and officers and soldiers formed the first overland gold prospecting team, which was led by an elder from Langqiao. Many days later they crossed the Calavi tribe and arrived. Encountering with tall, blond-haired outsiders for the first time, the priests and female wizards were panicking, thus affecting the ongoing ritual, flaring up collective indignation among the chief priests of each tribe, who reprimanded the elder that led the way, demanding him to take a hike along with those Balakas (meaning golden hair eccentrics), otherwise they would summon the warriors to have them beheaded. The Dutch missionary had been driven away just after a short stay.
The prospectors continued proceeding to where the present-day Tjavualji is situated. In January 1638 Dutch officials reached another resolution to dispatch Captain Jan Jeuriaensen to lead more than a hundred soldiers with arms and provisions to east Taiwan. In mid-January, a group of them arrived at the Calavi tribe and camped overnight. On the top of Jifeifei Mountain, Calavi hunters lit their beacon fire as a warning. The next morning, the Dutch gold prospecting team entered the “Cemedas Blessing Holy Land”. They found the place empty and burned down Balakuwan and the meeting place of the priests and female wizards. The prospectors then proceeded to Tjavualji and Katratripulr. When they reached what is now the Tjavualji tribe, they attacked the tribesmen, and burned down many houses. Then they continued to make their way to Puyuma. The Dutch spent a lot of manpower and resources, but as a result, no rich gold mines were found. In February of the same year, the Dutch gold prospecting team returned to Dayuan City.
- 滋慕達斯.祈福聖地 (滋慕達斯Cemedas為排灣族語,日出之意)