kavUlungan Cultural
Heritage Education Park
ABUS B&B •GOLDEN VALLEY 阿布斯民宿 & 黃金山谷
友善生活 sustainable lifestyle
cultural ecosystem 永續文化•生態
Entrepreneurship 從臺灣、斐濟到澳洲的創業版圖
Celalaq Kavulungan (Shih Hsiung-wei), chief of Paiwan Family Trust and a self-made entrepreneur who strives to create business opportunities while seeking ways to give back to his tribal roots.
SSD「永續系統設計師」國際認證 Youth Leadership Program
源自美國MIT 課程,結合SDGs 行動方案實作與EN-ROADS全球氣候政策模擬演練。UNESCO’s ESD for 2030 education programme aims to bring about personal and societal transformation that is necessary to change course.
永續飲食•綠色生活 Sustainable Food Systems
Sustainable Food Practices• Making Better Homes
Digital Empowerment and Cultural Ecosystem Service Innovation