SSD永續生態 • 雙語文化探索營
SSD (Sustainable System Development) 永續生態•雙語文化營由iiLABs產研院專業師資團隊規劃,以中文和英語教學帶領孩童體驗多元文化與自然環境,打破孩子生活的框架。學習源自美國麻省理工學院MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)「系統動力學」與系統思考方法提昇孩童問題解決與邏輯思維能力。應用歐美學校倡議永續系統發展SSD (Sustainable System Development) 數位賦能教學,提昇孩童科學發展與面對生活情境的能力。教導如何以電腦模型視覺化圖像連結生活情境應用與實作練習。在多元文化與自然寬闊的學習環境中,讓孩童透過手作、食育和森林健行等團體活動,開啟孩童好奇與探索天賦的本能,培育領導能力,也學習珍惜豐富的自然生態與環境。活動日期依網站公告。
During the camp, embrace nature to transform youth’s experience of learning is crucial process to raise their broad-minded and foster their creativity. Learning about different culture uncovers the history and beliefs will also lead youth to a deeper sense of self-confidence and foster their understanding of cultural diversity and appreciation for natural resources. The exchange of culture, ecology with SSD education can open new opportunities and career path for youth to grow.
- 數位賦能科學邏輯工具Sustainalbe System Development (SSD) method and tools.
- MIT 系統思考科學方法 MIT System Dynamics, Systems Thinking & Problem Solving skills
- 時間:五天四夜,暑假和寒假辦理。
- 費用:NT$13,000元(金崙火車站集合出發)。
- 地點:阿布斯民宿&天空農場 (台東縣金峰鄉歷坵村45-1號)
- 費用含課程教材、體驗活動、落地交通、保險、餐食與住宿
- 如因個人因素取消預定的活動可退費或改期: 活動當日與前3日不予退費。
- 活動開始日前第4日至第10日以內扣除全額70%後,退回剩餘費用。活動開始日前第11日至第15日以內扣除全額60%後,退回剩餘費用。活動開始日前第15日至第20日以內扣除全額40%後,退回剩餘費用。活動開始前20日扣除全額20%後,退回剩餘費用。
- 因不可抗力因素(地震、水災、颱風、海嘯、豪大雨特報)而導致活動無法如期舉行將全額退費。
- Once booking, please pay the event fee in full amount within three days.
- Cancellations made 20 days or more in advance of the event date, you’ll receive a 80% refund. Cancellations made within 15-20 days, you’ll receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made within 11-15 days, you’ll receive a 40% refund. Cancellations made within 4-10 days, you’ll receive a 30% refund. Cancellations made less than three day prior to the event, you’ll not be eligible for refund.
- Due to earthquakes, typhoon, floods, war and other unforeseeable force majeure event, you’ll receive a 100% refund.