黃金山谷文化美食體驗(半日遊) Golden Valley Half-day Tour
Half-Day Culture Tour
探索黃金山谷的自然生態,聆聽「卡夫龍安」家族遷徙歷史與體驗排灣族文化。認識原住民傳統樂器與野菜採集的智慧,手作品嚐當地食材的窯烤披薩。Explore the nature of golden valley, listen to the history of “Kavulungan” and experience Paiwan culture, indigenous instrutment and pick wild plants. Enjoy and taste local ingridients and flavor.
體驗時間 Opening Hour 😊
- 體驗間&費用:週四至週日,採10人以上團體預約制,NT$550/人。
- Date/Fee: Thu. to Sun. Group Reservation for 10 ore more. NT$550 per person.
- 09:30-10:30: 生態導覽與文化體驗
- 10:30-11:00 : 山林智慧與野菜採集 Ancient wisdom & Picking wild plants
- 11:00-12:00 : PIZZA DIY & 食育體驗 Pizza DIY with fresh local ingridients
- 12:00-13:00 : 享受黃金山谷野餐 Picnic at Golden Valley
Notice to Visitors
- 園區為古部落遺址,是祈福與祭儀重要場域,請勿破壞、盜取、取走任何地上與地下物品,違者依法追究,並需負相關法律責任。This is an indigenous sacred space for ritual ceremony. Please do not take stone or anything away.
- 生態環境維護是您我共同責任,勿擅自踩踏、攀折花草或摘取林木等作物。Please keep off grass, don’t pick flowers, break trees and the crops.
- 園內禁煙,請至指定吸煙區,請勿亂丟煙蒂。Smoking is prohibited in the farm, please go to the designated smoking area and do not litter cigarette butts.
- 請愛護友善環境,自行帶走外食相關垃圾,保持環境衛生。Please take away garbage by yourself, and keep the environment clean.
- 因農場大小事比較忙碌,僅接受線上訂位和LINE詢問。不提供電話訂位服務喔。預訂活動後請於三天內付款訂單全額以保留訂位,謝謝配合。
- 如因個人因素取消預定的活動可退費或改期: 活動當日與前3日不予退費。活動開始日前第4日至第10日以內扣除全額70%後,退回剩餘費用。活動開始日前第11日至第15日以內扣除全額60%後,退回剩餘費用。活動開始日前第15日至第20日以內扣除全額40%後,退回剩餘費用。活動開始前20日扣除全額20%後,退回剩餘費用。
- 因不可抗力因素(地震、水災、颱風、海嘯、豪大雨特報)而導致活動無法如期舉行可選擇(1).全額退費(2).活動延期(半年內)。
- Once booking, please pay the event fee in full amount within three days.
- Cancellations made 20 days or more in advance of the event date, you’ll receive a 80% refund. Cancellations made within 15-20 days, you’ll receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made within 11-15 days, you’ll receive a 40% refund. Cancellations made within 4-10 days, you’ll receive a 30% refund. Cancellations made less than three day prior to the event, you’ll not be eligible for refund.
- Due to earthquakes, typhoon, floods, war and other unforeseeable force majeure event, you’ll receive a 100% refund or you can reschedule the event within 6 months.