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Half-Day Culture Tour


探索黃金山谷的自然生態,聆聽「卡夫龍安」家族遷徙歷史與體驗排灣族文化。認識原住民傳統樂器與野菜採集的智慧,手作品嚐當地食材的烤披薩。Explore the nature of golden valley, listen to the history of “Kavulungan” and experience Paiwan culture, indigenous instrutment and pick wild plants. Enjoy and taste local ingridients and flavor.

Inspired by nature

Abus Skyfarm has variety of native plants and tree species, including Camphor tree, China berry, Paper Mulberry, Formosana Ash, Tabebuia rosea, Golden trumpet-tree, Red cedar and Flame Gold-rain tree, etc. During the flowering season, you can watch the colorful orchids and bougainvilleas in full bloom, and wild vegetables, alianthus prickly ash, lemongrass and Shell-flower can be seen everywhere on the farm

Abus skyfarm 阿布斯天空農場



PiZZA DIY產地到餐桌の食農教育


體驗時間/費用: 週四至週日,採團體預約制 (6人成行),NT$300元/份。

Millet is the staple crop for indigenous people, and an important offering at tribal rituals. Get to know the red quinoa, wild vegetables, lemons  and various fruits. Flatten the dough ball with your hands and spread with tomato sauce and sprinkle with toppings.  Slide pizza into  the oven about 15 mins and enjoy a delicious homemade pizza.

Date/Fee: Thu. to Sun. Reservation for 6 person at least. NT$300 per one.

abus b&b 阿布斯民宿

阿布斯民宿座落於群山環繞的魯拉克斯部落,適合想遠離塵囂、親近大自然的旅客與團體。民宿提供教學、會議的場地與設備。可以在天空農場享受早餐、野餐與BBQ,聆聽山谷裡潺潺溪水。晴空清風徐來時健行至魔法森林呼吸芬多精,享受森林的心靈療癒。Abus B&B is located at Rulakes indigenous village hidden in mountains and near riverbank, we provide venue for group meeting and workshop. It’s ideal for travelers seeking to connect with nature, local culture, food and life. Visitors can explore the forests, hiking trials, water activities and hot springs.   

Guests notice 遊客須知

Only enter Abus Skyfarm and B&B with permission. Park at the public parking space. Check-in with Abus personnel upon arrival and follow instructions. To protect our planet, we encourage you to bring your own toiletries, reusable food and beverage containers. 阿布斯民宿與農場為私人場域,費用與入園(住)時間依選擇行程而異。遊客可免費停車在公用停車格,農場與民宿不負任何保管、賠償責任。我們保留活動調整之最終權利。我們邀請您自備餐具和盥洗用具,一起響應環保、守護地球。


double bed room

雙人房為一大床床型(152cm*188cm), 約3.5坪可容納2人。地板為木質地板,需自備盥洗用具。男、女衛浴設備分開,提供吹風機與冷熱飲水機。室內與房間禁煙、無WIFI、不包含早餐。費用: NT$1400/間。The double bed room can ccommodate 2 people, 3.5 ping wooden floor. Hair dryers and water dispensers are provided. Shared showers and toilet facilities are separated for men and women. WIFI and breakfast is not included. NT$1400 per room.


group room (20 people)

團體套房約18坪可容納20人,10人以上可訂房。木質地板,提供墊被、棉被、枕頭。自備盥洗用具、男、女衛浴設備分開,提供吹風機與冷熱飲水機。室內禁煙、無WIFI、不包含早餐。費用: NT$650/人。The non-smoking group room can accommodate 20 people, 18 ping wooden floor.  Quilts , pillows, hair dryers and water dispensers are provided. Shared showers and toilet facilities are separated for men and women. WIFI and breakfast is not included. Group reservation for  10 people at least. NT$650 per person.