Experiences 體驗

picnic & BBQ 天空の野餐&烤肉


You can bring along your own packed meal and enjoy the beautiful cultural landscaped picnic and barbeque at “Cemedas Blessing Holy Land”. The stones wall, the pieces of slabs and stones represent blessing and praying.

Culture tour 文化導覽


We provide indigenous cultural tour for you to know Paiwan culture and the history of golden mountain tribe that disappeared for 1000 years. Exploring indigenous musical instrument and ancient knowledge and discovering a secret site of legendary lost treasure and gold.

文化導覽體驗-NT$150/人 (週四至週日上午10:00 與下午14:00,活動採團體預約,6人以上)  

Culture Tour -NT$150 per person (Daily tour from Thurs.-Sun. : 10:00 am & 14:00 pm, Group Reservation for 6 person or more)

Private events 客製化行程


You can taste unique indigenous cuisine and learn how to make aborignial hanging ornaments, weaving crafts and glass beads bracelet.