SSD「永續系統設計師」國際認證 Youth Leadership Program

源自美國MIT 課程,結合SDGs 行動方案實作與EN-ROADS全球氣候政策模擬演練。UNESCO's ESD for 2030 education programme aims to bring about personal and societal transformation that is necessary to change course.

Youth leadership in sustainable system development(SSD)

Youth Leadership in Sustainable System Development aims at cultivating youth a set of skills and capacities such as collaborative leadership, coalition-building and systems thinking that they can use to mobilize innovation and supportive action for sustainability.  Youth will learn MIT SD, SSD simulation methods and tools, also UNESCO Project Planner methods to link to different resources, tools and guidances that hlep them to put their thoughts into practices. En-ROADS Climate Ambassodor Camp will be introduced during the camp.

During the camp, embrace nature to transform youth’s experience of learning is crucial process to raise their broad-minded and foster their creativity. Learning about different culture uncovers the history and beliefs will  also lead youth to a deeper sense of self-confidence and foster their  understanding of cultural diversity and appreciation for natural resources. The exchange of culture, ecology with SSD education can open new opportunities and career path for youth to grow.

永續系統發展(Sustainable System Development)教育致力於培養青少年不被AI取代的能力,課程內容源自美國MIT課程,希望提昇青年解決問題能力和系統思考邏輯思維。並進一步結合歐美SSD系統科學與AI電腦模擬工具,教導學員如何進行SDGs行動方案規劃。「系統思考與解決問題」和「生活情境應用」是108課綱強調的核心素養能力,SSD國際青年永續領袖營的特色是教導青少年如何運用SSD模擬科學和 UNESCO Project Planner 方法,連結不同的資源將想法結合生活情境的體驗付諸實踐。聯合國及歐美大學倡議的永續發展教育和數位賦能趨勢,目的在轉化單點式線性思考,啟發學生運用系統觀點來探索世界以及因應未來快捷變遷的生活適應能力。此外,營隊將透過淨山健行的志願服務活動,讓學員沉浸在多元文化與大自然的觀察體驗。加深對自我、社會和環境的認識。最後,學員將體驗MIT團隊開發的「全球氣候政策模擬系統」(EN-ROADS),透過系統模擬學習各種氣候政策組合的未來情境與效益,並瞭解如何成為國際EN-ROADS 氣候大使。

