永續飲食•綠色生活 Sustainable Food Systems

實現日常生活中的低碳行動,一起守護我們的家園。 Sustainable Food Practices• Making Better Homes

SuStainable Food Systems•Making better homes 低碳綠生活行動

A sustainable food system (SFS) is a food system that delivers food security and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutrition for future generations are not compromised.m It lies at the heart of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted in 2015, the SDGs call for major transformations in agriculture and food systems in order to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition by 2030. The food system is composed of sub-systems (e.g. farming system, waste management system, input supply system, etc.) and interacts with other key systems (e.g. energy system, trade system, health system, etc.).


To realize the SDGs, the global food system needs to be reshaped to be more productive, more inclusive of poor and marginalized populations, environmentally sustainable and resilient, and able to deliver healthy and nutritious diets to all. These are complex and systemic challenges that require the combination of interconnected actions at the local, national, regional and global levels. 

2015 年 9 月在聯合國永續發展高峰會上通過「2030 年永續發展議程」共 17 個永續發展目標,其中目標 12「永續消費和生產」的永續糧食系統(SFS)係為了保障食品安全的營養的同時,亦兼顧到「經濟」、「社會」及「自然環保」三大要素。在活動設計中我們讓學員了解食物的成分、以「友善耕作」、「在地採買」「低碳蔬食」 與「循環餐具」為原則,希望增進日常生活中的減碳行動與改變消費行為,共同形成永續良善的生活經濟模式。